8/22/14 Sacramento still.

I can’t believe how fast time is flying.  In just about a week, I will be on an airplane to Malawi.  In many ways the adventure ha already begun, just not the travel part.  I have written a number of pieces about my perceptions but have been too busy to post them.  Here is a short poem that I have been working on. It is about Mary’s Meals a marvelous organization that brings meals to schools to feed the children and give them a reason to go to school.

Mary’s Meals

simple like mothers

she brings them to my school

because I have a dream

where I remember 

what I don’t yet know

like the Mango Fruit

that my favorite tree offeres

and why.

Mary’s Meals 

remind me of the times

when I looked in my mothers eyes

and saw the sun rise 

on a new way

the light washing her hair

the color of a memory

that I am from somewhere

I could never imagine

but now I can know.

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